Articles by keyword «транспортная логистика»

Articles in journal «Student scientific researches»

Pereguda A.S. Транспортная логистика: особенности выбора транспортных средств и критерии их эффективности

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Современные проблемы транспортной логистики РФ

January, 2022

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ivanova A.S., Sheven L.N. Intellectualization as the main direction of innovative development of transport infrastructure

April, 2014

Pavlova J.E., Sheven L.N. An innovative approach to automating the process of transportation of goods in transport logistics

December, 2014

Gripaleva N.S., Silina D.V., Sheven L.N. The survey of innovational software in transport logistics: the technology of monitoring

April, 2015

Glebov A.O. Production costs of the firm: analysis, management approaches

April, 2017