Articles by keyword «small business»

Articles in journal «Student scientific researches»

Kulakova A.A. Сущность и значение малого предпринимательства в экономике россии

№ 1 January 2015 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Shakolin F.S. Государственная поддержка малого бизнеса как механизм регулирования экономики

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Oripov D. Marketing strategy as a factor in the development of small enterprises

June, 2012

Vysokov K.A. Culture and Ethics in Russian Business

December, 2013

Matyazh V.O. Business ethics in small and middle-sized enterprises: risks and opportunities

December, 2013

Chie E.E., Koren A.V. Analysis of trends efficient use of the simplified taxation system

May, 2014

Panov A.S. Problems of taxation of small businesses in the Primorye Territory

May, 2014

Proshkina O.N., Korneva M.A. Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in Russia: Problems and Prospects

February, 2015

Reznik G.A., Kurdova M.A. The development of practical entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of higher professional education

April, 2015

Gvozdyk A.E. Harnessing the power of SMS marketing in small business activities

April, 2015

Proshkina O.N., Korneva M.A. Problems of small business in Russia

September, 2015

Anisimova P.M. State policy in the field of support of small business during the post-Perestroika period in Russia

October, 2015

Kremin A.E. Assessing the impact of small business on the level of socio-economic development of the region

November, 2015

Bashirova H.S., Bisaeva D.I., Abdulazizova E.A. The state support of small business in the agro-industrial sector in Russia

December, 2015

Ivashinnikova E.A., Goloyad A.N. Tax stimulation of small business development in Russia

January, 2016

Morkovkin D.E. Improvement of system of crediting of subjects of small and medium manufacturing as a condition for restoring economic growth

February, 2016

Akhunova S.N. Institutional transformation of the national economy in the light of the development of small business

February, 2016

Israilova Z.R., Atamazova A.A., Batasheva M.A. Small business: problems and solutions

June, 2016

Rodionovа Y.А. Evaluation of entrepreneurial potential in the Kursk region

July, 2016

Israilova Z.R., Atamazova A.A. Development of small business in the Chechen Republic

August, 2016

Eremkina Y.V., Shibileva O.V. Entrepreneurship: formation and development

November, 2016

Makkaeva R.S., Atamazova A.A. Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the US

December, 2016

Arlamov E.A., Panasyuk G.O. The use of cloud technology in small business

December, 2016

Appazova B.G. Construction of hierarchical models of comparative assessment of software products for small business enterprises

May, 2018

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kurpayanidi K., Oymatov A. Conceptual issues of state support for private enterprise in crisis

December, 2012

Paygamov R.P. About developing small and a private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan

April, 2014

Lysenko K.Y. Innovative development of small and medium business on the example of Kursk region

June, 2016

Gudkova O.V., Ermakova L.V., Melgui A.E. Directions of innovative development of small business in the service sector

October, 2016

Gurzhy A.V. Subjects of small business in a contour of regional economy

October, 2016

Batrakova O.S., Guseva E.S., Sorokina L.N. Budgeting in small businesses

October, 2016

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Izatmurodova A.H. "Supervisors holidays" as a factor in stimulating the development of small business in Russia

February, 2015