Articles by keyword «расходы»

Articles in journal «Student scientific researches»

Evseeva O.A., Zaraiskaya D.P. Бизнес-проект на примере автомойки

№ 3 May 2014 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Zabolotckaia K.V. Accounting in organizations involved in innovative activities

May, 2014

Fateeva Y.V. Balance of the income and state expenses

August, 2014

Bragina V.D. Compilation of financial statements in Russia with IFRS requirements

September, 2015

Vylegzhanina E.V. The strategy of smoothing the seasonality of services and revenues increase in the sanatorium organizations

September, 2015

Skorobogatova V.V., Vdovina O.O. The role of state support in the development of the flour milling industry in the Republic of Crimea

October, 2015

Thamokova S.M. Use of cost accounting system "direct costing" agricultural organizations

October, 2015

Thamokova S.M. Improving the accounting of costs and calculation of the cost of corn in agriculture

November, 2015

Pershina A.V., Keppl O.I. The contract system as a form of effective budget allocation

November, 2015

Monadeeva U.M., Shiryaeva N.V. Influence and calculation factors of formation the income and expenses of the organization

March, 2016

Geleta I.V., Oryol D.I. Management of business risks and methods of their assessment

November, 2016

Современные концепции учетно-аналитического обеспечения в управлении расходами на оплату труда

August, 2017

Механизм минимизации местного бюджета г.Новосибирска

May, 2018

Оценка прибыльности коммерческого банка с использованием отчета о финансовых результатах

August, 2019

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Sorokina E.S. The analysis of consumer demand in Russia

April, 2013

Valikhmetova A.T. Problem of balancing the state budget. The relationship between economic growth and balance the budget.

April, 2013

Semenenko E.G. Logistical aspects of the functioning the milk subcomplex of agricultural-industry complex of Ukraine

May, 2015

Nehai D.Y. Management of income and expenditure of the enterprise

June, 2015

Novikova S.V. Modern purpose of the report on financial results according to the Russian and international standards

December, 2016

Ogolikhina S.D., Vyskrebentseva A.N., Sherstuk Y.N. The impact of the crisis on the state budget of the Russian Federation constituent entities of the system by the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan budget analysis

January, 2017

Грамотное планирование бюджета семьи

November, 2017

Оценка основных бюджетных параметров и мер по повышению эффективности управления общественными финансами региона на примере Курской области

January, 2018

Проблема покрытия дефицита местного бюджета

August, 2018

Состав расходов в учреждениях общего образования

June, 2019

Основы построения учета финансовых результатов в железнодорожной отрасли

October, 2020

Сравнительный анализ методик оценки финансовой устойчивости регионального бюджета

August, 2022

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Matrosova A.N. Development of small hotel business

December, 2014

Kovaleva N.N., Ermakova L.V., Melgui A.E. Profit as an economic and accounting category

August, 2016

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Konovaluyk O.V. Comparative legal analysis of the budgetary legislation of Russia and USA in the field of local finance

June, 2014

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Инвестиционный проект «Эффективность инвестирования денег в модульные автомойки»

January, 2014