Articles by keyword «человеческие ресурсы»

Articles in journal «Student scientific researches»

Nenenkova A.Y. Рефрейминг лидерства: выйти за рамки

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Yarin A.V. Human resources as a basis for the workflow in small construction companies

May, 2015

Nikushina A.N., Sarafanov A.D., Anastasova A.S., Pavlova A.S. The system of grades as part of a motivational system of organization

November, 2016

Golovkin I.V. Enterprise manpower resources management in a highly competitive conditions

November, 2016

Vasilyev D.I. New explanation of the concepts of human resources, human resource management and strategic human resource management in banks

December, 2016

Makkaeva R.S.A. Methodological aspects of the analysis of availability of labor resources

February, 2017

Vasilyev D.I. The importance of human resources and knowledge management in banking

March, 2017

Timofeeva A.G. Coaching as a method of staff development

April, 2017

Теоретические основы анализа состояния и эффективности использования трудовых ресурсов предприятия

October, 2018

Статистический обзор результатов деятельности Госкорпорации «Росатом» по управлению трудовыми ресурсами для эффективного их использования

October, 2018

Методики оценки кадрового потенциала в современной России

October, 2018

Современные зарубежные методики оценки кадрового потенциала

October, 2018

Стратегии управления человеческими ресурсами

December, 2021

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Noskova C.A. Features of the development of human capital in the Vladimir region

April, 2013

Borscheva N.L. The value of institutional conditions in the formation of human resources in the russian economy and health

January, 2014

Pimurzin M.O., Sazykina O.A. Personnel strategy of microfinancial organization

June, 2016

Компетентностный подход при отборе и найме человеческих ресурсов

November, 2017

Оценка конкурентоспособности персонала предприятий сферы услуг

May, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Shpilina D.Y., Kotegova L.A. The features of the HR policy of the commercial banks

January, 2014

Maslova N.V. The modern management of human resources: outplacement

August, 2015

Edilsultanova L.A. Human resource management in the region

September, 2015

Valishin E.N. Management staff development organization in the social and economic changes

September, 2016