Articles by keyword «инновация»

Articles in journal «Student scientific researches»

Odnokoz V.G. Государственное регулирование инновационной деятельности в РФ

№ 9 November 2014 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Aparin I.A. Innovations and genesis of the social organizations

August, 2013

Tregubova D.D. Venture financing of innovative development in Russian Federation: problems and prospects

September, 2013

Vafina K.Y. Modern management system in advanced U.S. companies

February, 2014

Zabolotckaia K.V. Accounting in organizations involved in innovative activities

May, 2014

Gorbunov V.N., Oskina I.V., Dunaev A.V. Formation of innovative development of regional industrial complex enterprises, adjusting integral parameter blocks

June, 2014

Kudryavtseva S.S. Nanotechnology as a structure-factor of new technological way in a model of open innovation

April, 2015

Likholetov V.V., Lisienkova L.N., Baranova E.V. Virtual tour as a marketing tool in tourism

January, 2016

Snurnitcina M.A. The method of assessment the innovation region strategy

January, 2016

Davydova O.I., Haimurzina N.Z. Innovational technologies in the education

March, 2016

Padychev A.A., Belousova S.N. Tax stimulation of innovative activity of Russia

June, 2016

Khodykina A., Elena T. Managerial innovation: the concept essence and problems of implementation in organizations

September, 2016

Elena I.B., Kseniya M.B. Innovations in the personnel management field

October, 2016

Babintseva E.I., Shishkina E.S. Innovations in the management of labor relations

December, 2016

Lymareva O.A., Smirnova U.A. Legal status of a juvenile in the Russian Federation

December, 2016

Анализ экспорта военной техники РФ и выявление влияния на его объём инноваций и НИОКР

July, 2017

Источники инноваций на предприятиях и причины сопротивления им

November, 2017

Ограничения промышленного освоения инноваций в условиях высокого износа основных производственных фондов

May, 2018

Инновации на казахстанских предприятиях

May, 2022

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Vorozhevich A.S. Innovation as a legal category

September, 2011

Noskova C.A. Detection problems of human capital management for innovative development of organisation

February, 2013

Movchan I.N. Innovative approaches to teaching science in high school

May, 2014

Gorbunov V.N., Han'zhov I.S., Oskina I.V., Dunaev A.V. Stages of formation of zones of activity in terms of innovative development of the regional building complex

June, 2014

Gorbunov V.N., Han'zhov I.S., Oskina I.V., Dunaev A.V. Territorial and innovative industry-specific development of the regional building complex

June, 2014

Balabanova E.D., Zaharova E.O., Lavrushina E.G. The use of innovative technologies in the excursion activities

October, 2014

Kotelnikov A.V., Sheven L.N. Innovation as a reserve of economic growth Smolensk region

November, 2014

Koreeva E.B., Agureeva A.V. The estimation of the application of the innovation technology results

December, 2014

Semenov S.V. Innovative development of industrial enterprises as a result of labor resources attraction with Ukraine

December, 2014

Krasnov A.N. Methodological approach to modeling life cycle of product innovation in the agricultural sector

January, 2015

Musatova T.E., Nevmetulina M.M. Formation of the basic functioning of the enterprise market situation based on the theory of life cycle

March, 2015

Spetsian L.M. The role of innovation in strategy formation companies

April, 2015

Karachurina R.F., Ayupova L.R. Innovations in governance: theoretical aspects

June, 2015

Kucherenko S.Y. Organizational-economic principles of effective production and processing of sunflower in Ukraine

June, 2015

Gulyaeva G.G. The essence of innovation and investment policy

September, 2015

Svistunov A.V., Afanasieva N.V. Quest excursion as innovative direction of regional tourist development

November, 2015

Prokhorova M.P. The contents and types of innovative activity of the teacher in the conditions of modernization of pedagogical education

December, 2015

Bolshakova M.R. Financing of innovative activity in the Russian Federation

December, 2015

Kurpayanidi K. Modern approaches to defining functions and concepts of national innovation system of the Uzbek economy

January, 2016

Goltsova P.A., Loeva Y.A. Pedagogical innovation: concept and issues

July, 2016

Tkach Y.K. Innovation policy priorities in Russia: retrospective analysis and modern priorities

August, 2016

Kitov A.G. Innovation as qualitative characteristic of future engineer

August, 2016

Goltsova P.A., Loeva Y.A. Pedagogical innovation as a KPI element in education

November, 2016

Batasheva E.A., Batasheva M.A. Company present and development of innovative sciences

December, 2016

Babintseva E.I., Ivashchenko M.A. Innovative strategies in personnel management

December, 2016

Sagan A.O., Babanov V.N. Improvement of the innovation activities in retail chains

February, 2017

Petrova A.V. Innovation companies as a factor of economic development of the Russian Federation

March, 2017

Инновационные методы управления социальным поведением в организации

June, 2017

Реализация программы Калужское общество «Информационное общество» и введение инноваций для повышения качества оказания государственных и муниципальных услуг в МФЦ «Мои документы»

June, 2017

Создание инновационного учебно-производственного центра в сфере автомобильного сервиса

June, 2017

Риски при организации процесса сертификации инновационного медицинского оборудования

December, 2017

Инновационный характер образования

December, 2018

Инновационные методы обучения на занятиях физической культуры

June, 2019

Инновационные технологии в формировании умственных способностей у детей

February, 2020

Характеристика понятия инновационных технологий

August, 2022

Вопросы социальной и культурной безопасности инновационной деятельности

December, 2022

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kulikova J.P. Assessment of scientific and educational innovation complex higher education institution on the basis of a balanced scorecard

January, 2012

Gorbunov V.N., Oskina I.V., Dunaev A.V. Main stages of development of enterprises of regional business unit based on the change of integral parameter blocks

June, 2014

Samofalova E.S. On the concept of innovative civilization

November, 2014

Gulyaeva N.A. Foreign language teaching at technical higher educational institutions abroad. (Analysis and trends in the development of methods and means used)

April, 2016

Gulyaeva N.A. Conceptual modeling adaptive innovative system of foreign language training in not langual educational institutions abroad

March, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Agureeva A.V., Koreeva E.B., Raizman E.M. Manufacturing application of innovation technique

October, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kolesnikov I.V. Method of projects as one of innovative technology training computer science lessons

June, 2014

Urkumbaeva R.A. Innovative methods and techniques in the study of I. A. Krylov’s fable "The Wolf and the Lamb" in Kyrgyz schools

April, 2016